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(Beaumont, Texas) -- Sandwiched between receiving an award, autographing copies of his book and purchasing gold coins to fulfill his customers' orders, America's Gold Expert® , Michael Fuljenz recently was a keynote speaker at a special training course for Texas law enforcement personnel on the topic of investigating crimes involving rare coins, bullion and jewelry.
Fuljenz provided seminar participants with information on where they can promptly get assistance.

Mike Fuljenz giving seminar to police agencies regarding investigating crimes involving rare coins, bullion and jewelry.

Mike Fuljenz receiving the Beaumont Police Department’s Corporate Award. From left to right: Beaumont Assistant Police Chief Wayne Jeffcoat, Mike Fuljenz and Beaumont Police Chief James P Singletary

Michael Fuljenz signs copies of his award winning book, "Indian Gold Coins of the 20th Century"
"I gave them specific names of experts and organizations to contact when a theft is reported or a recovery is made, and also provided useful case examples of how law enforcement agencies across the nation have successfully handled different types of numismatic crimes," explained Fuljenz.
The day-long educational seminar was held on October 18, 2012 in Dallas in conjunction with the opening of the American Numismatic Association National Money Show. It was organized by the nonprofit Numismatic Crime Information Center (, founded by Doug Davis, a former Police Chief and current City Manager of Pantego, Texas.
"Forty-seven local, state and federal investigators including representatives of police and sheriffs' offices, the FBI, IRS and U.S. Post Office, attended the eight-hour, accredited training session. Prior to this, there has never really been that many resources available to assist them in knowing who can promptly provide quick help, such as alerting dealers nationwide about stolen property or helping to get recovered items to their rightful owners," said Davis who thanked Fuljenz for his participation and support.
After the seminar, Fuljenz flew back to his hometown of Beaumont, Texas to receive the Beaumont Police Department's Corporate Award. He and his company provide office space for a police substation and assist with a meals-for-police program and an annual Police Department toy drive for underprivileged children.
"Community involvement is the cornerstone of thriving cities everywhere, and I am very proud that Beaumont has so many residents who give back to our community in this way," stated Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames.
Early the next morning, Fuljenz flew back to Dallas to be a featured author at the National Money Show and autograph copies of his acclaimed reference book about popular United States gold pieces, Indian Gold Coins of the 20th Century.
Honored as the Numismatic Literary Guild's 2010 Best Investment Book, Indian Gold Coins of the 20th Century looks at the history of the popular Indian Head design $2.50 (Quarter Eagle), $5 (Half Eagle) and $10 (Eagle) denomination U.S. gold coins. It provides useful information and expert advice for collecting some of America's most beautiful and popular rare coins.
While in Dallas he also was the guest of Lieutenant General Nicholas Kehoe, the immediate Past President of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, at a Medal of Honor Foundation banquet.
"I was fortunate to sit with Medal of Honor recipient, Lieutenant Colonel Joe Jackson. The foundation’s goal is to perpetuate a legacy of courage, sacrifice and patriotism, and their educational work in schools is inspiring. Our company has been giving away a free, stirring DVD about the history of the Medal of Honor," said Fuljenz.
Michael Fuljenz is a nationally-known rare coins and precious metals expert who has provided assistance to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), United States Postal Service, United States Mint, Royal Canadian Mint, the Numismatic Crime Information Center and the Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC). He is an award winning author of newsletters, articles and four books about rare gold coins and bullion and has received more national honors for excellence in more categories -- 44 awards, 10 categories -- than any other recipient of the industry's prestigious Numismatic Literary Guild awards.
In addition to being a community leader in his hometown of Beaumont, Texas, the Press Club of Southeast Texas has honored Fuljenz for his consumer protection work in conjunction with the Better Business Bureau and various news media.