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Counterfeit 1oz Gold Perth Bars

The Numismatic Crime Information Center has been advised that an individual is in the Wichita, KS area attempting to sell counterfeit 1oz gold Perth bars. The individual is described as a w/m 6'1" 180 pounds average looking and accompanied by a white female. (No Photos available)

The individual displayed a Florida drivers license in the name of Will Nagel and driving a 4dr black vehicle with Kansas plates. However the driver's license is not valid.

The individual has visited several pawn shops and coin shops in the area. Based upon the information the individual may be traveling from state to state. The bars appear too thick and analyzer shows bars to be bad.

Anyone with information on this offense or knows subject Goldberg please contact:
Doug Davis 817-723-7231
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The Numismatic Crime Information Center is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation. P.O. Box 14080 Arlington, Texas 76094.